
Policy Preview: Opportunities in Child Welfare

Join the Council on Foundations on Tuesday, October 11, at 12pm ET for a special briefing on work at the Federal level to improve outcomes for children in need. Christine Calpin, Managing Director of Public Policy at Casey Family Programs, will highlight some current opportunities to improve Federal child welfare financing and policy.

Date & Time






Join the Council on Foundations on Tuesday, October 11, at 12pm ET for a special briefing on work at the Federal level to improve outcomes for children in need. Christine Calpin, Managing Director of Public Policy at Casey Family Programs, will highlight current opportunities to improve Federal child welfare financing and policy. Federal child welfare finance reform is a strategy to achieve the goal of safely reducing the need for foster care by preventing child abuse and neglect and finding safe, permanent and loving families for all children. While the goal in child welfare is to ensure the safety, permanency and well-being of children and their families, the major federal funding source for foster care is not perfectly aligned with providing services to address existing needs, support good practice and enhance well-being. Christine will discuss, among other things, the Family First Prevention Services Act of 2016.

Casey Family Programs is the nation’s largest Foundation dedicated to providing, improving, and eventually eliminating the need for foster care. They are dedicated to safely reducing the number of children who experience out of home care, and envision a nation where supportive communities nurture the safety, success and hope of every child.

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