
The Role of Nonprofit Media in a Vibrant Civil Society

The Council on Foundations, nonprofit media organizations, foundations, journalists, academics, and other stakeholders held a conversation about the role of nonprofit media in fostering a vibrant civil society in local communities.

Date & Time

ET to


Knight Conference Center
555 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington D.C. 20001


Free - (Space is limited)


Download the Slides


The Council on Foundations, nonprofit media organizations, foundations, journalists, academics, and other stakeholders held a conversation about the role of nonprofit media in fostering a vibrant civil society in local communities.

Nonprofit media organizations are diverse charities that provide invaluable public interest reporting, particularly at the local level. They are increasingly stepping in to fill a void in public information created by a decline in traditional media, serving the critical functions of educating, socializing, and engaging people in local communities around the country.

These organizations provide news and information about community issues, notify citizens of social opportunities like a concert or an event at the public library, and ultimately, help bring people together to appreciate and take ownership of their community through civic engagement.

However, nonprofit media organizations often struggle with the process of obtaining tax-exempt status from the IRS and becoming sustainable over the long-term. At this event, we will also unveil an update to the Council's 2013 report on the challenges these organizations face and explore the state of nonprofit media today.

The IRS and Nonprofit Media Reports

Download the 2015 Report

Download the 2013 Report


11:30am - 12:30pm | Networking Lunch

12:30pm - 2:30pm | Nonprofit Media Discussion

Complimentary access to the Newseum after the event.


Peter Bale
Center for Public Integrity

Clark Bell
Program Director, Journalism Program
McCormick Foundation

Tom Glaisyer
Program Director, Informed Participation Program
Democracy Fund


Rita Henley Jensen
President & CEO, Founder
Women's eNews

Kevin Murphy
President & CEO
Berks County Community Foundation


Marie Nelson
Vice President for News and Public Affairs

Celia Roady
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

Sue Santa
Sr. Vice President Public Policy & Legal Affairs
Council on Foundations

*Council events are not opportunities for solicitation of any kind, including asking for business, fund management, or grants. All types of solicitation are strictly prohibited.