International Giving
These resources are for U.S. foundations and grantmakers wishing to make grants abroad. The resources on this page focus on global grantmaking in general. We provide all legal considerations for international giving in our international giving regulations resources.
Navigating Disasters and Crises: A Practitioner Playbook for Corporate Responsibility and Philanthropy
Publication, Toolkit
Navigating Disasters and Crises: A Practitioner Playbook for Corporate Responsibility and Philanthropy is a free resource designed to guide corporate leaders through navigating disasters and crises at a time when disaster response has grown more comprehensive and complex. It provides a new…
How Foundations Can Partner with USAID
Foundations have been partnering with USAID in a variety of ways to advance locally led development, and below are how some of those partnerships are being executed. For member foundations interested in working with USAID on their own locally led development initiatives, Council on Foundations…
Advancing Locally Led Development: An Overview of U.S. Foundations’ Direct Global Giving
Publication, Toolkit
Since 1997, the Council on Foundations and Candid have analyzed trends in global grantmaking by U.S. foundations. In our State of Global Giving by U.S. Foundations: 2022 Edition report, which analyzed grants made between 2016 and 2019, we found that 39% of global grants made by U.S. foundations…
The State of Global Giving by U.S. Foundations: 2022 Edition
Publication, Toolkit
For 25 years, the Council on Foundations and Candid have partnered on studies of globally focused giving by U.S. foundations. The new edition of The State of Global Giving by U.S. Foundations dives into 2016-2019 data to provide the latest perspective on how the nation’s foundations are supporting…
Guidance for Making Grants to Support Ukraine
Legal Compliance Guidance
Over the last two weeks, we’ve received scores of questions from the field about how to help the Ukrainian people during the ongoing Russian invasion, including during our recent webinar with the State Department. The outpouring of support and willingness to make immediate relief funds available…
Trends in Disaster Philanthropy: Examining 15 Years of Disaster Giving to the Asia-Pacific
External Resource
Give2Asia's report looks at 15 years of its grantmaking to understand giving patterns, program impact, and opportunities in the philanthropy sector.
The Important Role of Global Intermediaries in COVID-19 Response
COVID-19 has prompted a rapid response from funders to channel funding to organizations across the world. To make this happen efficiently, global intermediaries have stepped up to support individuals, foundations, and corporations in directing support to charitable organizations in Asia & the…
Tips and Resources for Responding Globally to COVID-19
Legal Compliance Guidance
Making grants outside of the United States can be complicated even when there isn’t a global pandemic. COVID-19 impacts communities in different ways and while some countries have robust public health systems, others do not. Additionally, governments are responding to the outbreak in vastly…
Global Family Philanthropy: Exploring Key Considerations for Giving Across Borders
This paper by the Council, BNY Mellon, and Give2Asia explores the opportunities and challenges that face global families as they seek to conduct cross-border philanthropy. From coordinating family strategy to navigating complex tax regimes, global family philanthropy is not a simple feat.…
International Grantmaking: A Guide for Funders Making Grants Outside the United States
Legal Compliance Guidance, Publication
A Chapter in Mastering Foundation Law:
The Council on Foundations Compendium of Legal Resources
Making grants to institutions outside of the United States is challenging and rewarding. We hope this revised publication will be a useful resource that encourages grantmakers of all types to expand…
Updates on Global Giving and Non-Tax US Regulations that Impact Funders
If you have any questions, pleae email
Topics included regulations like the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), US Treasury’s voluntary anti-terrorism guidelines and more.
The State of Global Giving by U.S. Foundations: 2011-2015
Publication, Research
The Council on Foundations and Candid (formerly Foundation Center) analyzed how U.S. foundations supported international communities, nonprofits, and programs between 2011 and 2015 for our report, The State of Global Giving by U.S. Foundations: 2011-2015.
In addition to a detailed analysis of…
Local Communities with Global Reach: International Giving by U.S. Community Foundations
The Council, in collaboration with the Foundation Center (now Candid), created this first-ever analysis of international grantmaking by U.S. community foundations.
Beyond statistics on global grantmaking trends, the report also includes interviews with five community foundations - The Boston…
Addressing the Impact of Currency Fluctuations on International Grantmaking
Understanding the challenges of currency fluctuations on international grantmaking, and taking action to minimize their impact can ensure that this natural process does not become an added barrier to overseas giving. This resource focuses on some of the challenges foundations and giving programs…
Principles of Accountability for International Philanthropy
While cross-border philanthropy has much in common with domestic giving within a country, it also differs in significant and challenging ways. Language differences, communication across vast distances, unfamiliar cultural values and perspectives, multiple legal systems, and disparate accounting…
International Corporate Giving
Legal Compliance Guidance, Fundamentals
This brief provides practical advice on setting strategy, ensuring on-the-ground presence, and selecting partners for U.S.-based companies with foundations and/or giving programs that are either venturing into the international giving arena or seeking to enhance their current programs. The last…