Leading Locally 2023 - Suggested Tracks

Suggested Tracks

We get it, the full Leading Locally 2023 schedule can be overwhelming! How do you find the sessions that make sense for you?

Thankfully, we've put together lists of suggested sessions for just about every job role at your organization. Want to find the best sessions for a new CEO? Interested in public policy? Making recommendations for your colleague in Communications? We've got you covered.

Board Members and Trustees
CEOs and Executives
Program Staff
Policy Staff

Get started with these suggestions, then see the full list of Leading Locally 2023 Programming to plan your conference experience.

Board Members and Trustees

Pre-Conference Highlight: Legal Matters for Community Foundations. Compliance oversight is one of the board’s key responsibilities! Sign up for this pre-conference to increase your ability to provide excellent guidance.

Reception Highlight: Board and CEO Invite-Only Reception. Network with other foundation leaders in a relaxed setting at the rooftop pool! 

Plenary: Love Your Place. Volunteering is just one of the ways you show love through service in your role as a board member. This feel-good session will stir your passion for the work.  

Concurrent Highlight: Leading by Listening: Supporting True Community-Led Change. As a board member or trustee, listening to community as you consider your foundation’s strategy is essential.   

Networking Lunch: National Standards Networking Lunch. Join colleagues to learn more about this accreditation program for community foundations.  

CEOs and Executives

Pre-Conference & Concurrent Highlight: CEONet Pre-Conference: CEO Excellence. Hopefully you’ve reserved tickets to this SOLD-OUT blockbuster of a session!

If not, we’ve got four CEO & Executive Director – Only sessions to fill your cup: 

  • Beyond Your Leadership: CEOs Future-Proofing their Organizations 
  • Finding Your Feet: Guidance for New CEOs 
  • CEO Salon: "If I Had Known Then …" 
  • Leading Across Differences: CEO Journeys 

Plenary: Build Your Place. As you support your board and community in developing a strategy to building your community’s future, what can you learn about building places where we all thrive and the role of narrative shifts in our work? 

Reception Highlight: Board and CEO Invite-Only Reception. Network with other foundation leaders in a relaxed setting at the rooftop pool!  

Concurrent Highlight: Disability Leadership, Influence and Place. In your role as a leader in philanthropy, how can you ensure that voices of the most historically excluded are included at local tables of power and influence? 


Networking Highlight: AdNet Networking Lunch. If you are an AdNet member, please join us for a networking lunch. The session will include a curated discussion on community values and leadership. 

Wellness Highlight: Fundraising can be grueling! Get yourself centered and present in your day by joining us for a morning yoga or meditation session, or a group walk/run! 

Session Highlights: 

  • Engaging Stakeholders in Conversations about Hate: As you navigate donor relations, get equipped to implement values-aligned policies that give you support for positive change.  
  • AdNet Presents: Community-Centered Fundraising: Principles and Practice in Park City: You’ve heard about community-centered fundraising, but you’re curious how to implement it, come to this session!  
  • Helping Energy Communities Access Federal Funds to Transform Local Economies: During this time of massive investment in local economies by the Federal government, how can you help your community access these funds? 

Program Staff

Networking Highlight: ProNet Networking Lunch: Join your colleagues at a casual networking lunch to share successes and challenges. 

Reception Highlight: If you’re flying in early, join us for our welcome social to grab a refreshing beverage and kick off your networking! 

Session Highlights: 

  • Where'd Our Money Go? Pooling Funder Data for Better Decision-Making: Learn how one funder collaborative is pooling their data and decision-making to support their local community.  
  • ProNet Presents: Bringing an Equity Lens to the How of Grantmaking: Grantseeking  doesn’t have to be hard! Join this session to dig deep on grantmaking practices that better support community-based nonprofits. 
  • Creating Inclusive and Vibrant Communities through the Power of Music: Arts is an essential component of any strong community – how can you embed the arts in your programming?   


Pre-Conference Highlight: CommA Pre-Conference Session: Branding and Media Workshop. Join your communications colleagues from around the country to build your skills in branding and media.  

Plenary Highlight: Build Your Place. Join us for an inspiring session that weaves together stories of communities dreaming together and building on the lessons of the past to create a shared future where we all belong. 

Session Highlights: 

  • What’s the Future of Our Story?: In a world increasingly critical of philanthropy, how do we embrace our own narratives that center community?  
  • Reimagining the Public Square: Supporting Local News and Civic Engagement: In the age of misinformation, how can you work with local news organizations to build civic engagement?  
  • CommA Presents: Communicating in Crisis. When a crisis arises in our communities, are we ready to respond?  

Policy Staff

Learning Opportunity Highlight: Ask a Council Lawyer. As you consider entering or increasing your engagement in public policy, check in with our on-site legal counsel!  

Reception Highlight: Our grand reception on Tuesday evening will provide an opportunity to play some games that have lower stakes... (like cornhole) and get your dance on! 

Session Highlights: 

  • State & Federal Public Policy Update: Join us to get up to speed on the fast-evolving state and federal policy landscape!  
  • Achieving Transformative Policy Change with Disaggregated Data: As more states adopt an equity analysis as part of their legislative process, how can you use disaggregated data to support your case?  
  • Advancing Community Leadership Through Advocacy: Engaging community in your advocacy efforts is just one way to increase your impact! 



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