Leading Locally 2025 - Host Committee

Host Committee

We are grateful for the Minnesota funders who are shaping Leading Locally 2025 and welcoming us all to their community.

Host Committee Co-Chairs

Heather Kukla

Heather Kukla


Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies

R.T. Rybak

R.T. Rybak

President and CEO

Minneapolis Foundation

Host Committee Members

Tonya Allen

Tonya Allen


McKnight Foundation

Catie Bitzan Amundsen

Catie Bitzan Amundsen


Lathrop GPM Foundation

Nancy Brown

Nancy Brown

President and CEO

Winona Community Foundation

Susie Brown

Susie Brown


Minnesota Council on Foundations

Reba Dominski

Reba Dominski

Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Social Responsibility Officer, and President

U.S. Bank Foundation

Shaun Floerke

Shaun Floerke

President and CEO

Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation

Angela Fogt

Angela Fogt


Faegre Drinker Foundation

Eric Jolly

Eric Jolly

President and CEO

The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Steve Joul

Steve Joul

President and CEO


Mindy Nuhring

Mindy Nuhring

Executive Director

Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation

Gloria Perez

Gloria Perez

President and CEO

Women's Foundation of Minnesota

Jennifer Ford Reedy

Jennifer Ford Reedy


Bush Foundation

Eleanor Savage

Eleanor Savage

President and CEO

Jerome Foundation

Katie Clark Sieben

Katie Clark Sieben

Sr. Director, The Cargill Foundation and Corporate Responsibility

Cargill, Incorporated

Michael Stroik

Michael Stroik

Vice President, Community Relations


Brian Voerding

Brian Voerding


Initiative Foundation

Kevin Walker

Kevin Walker

President and CEO

Northwest Area Foundation

Karen White

Karen White

President and CEO

Northwest Minnesota Foundation


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