Building Together 2024 - Pre-work
Building Together Pre-Work
Before you arrive at Building Together, we encourage you to review the digital version of the practice guide and take some time to complete the short personal reflection below (also included in the guide), even if it’s just on the plane or train on the way to Chicago! The guide contains prompts for your practice team time, key concepts, guidance for personal reflection and meditation, and links to resources to support your ongoing learning. When you arrive on site, you’ll receive a printed version of the practice guide.
Before you arrive in Chicago, complete these activities:
- Clear your calendar. Plan to disconnect from the outside world. Cancel those side meetings, Zoom meetings, and checkins and prepare to be present with your peers in the moment.
- Download the event app and meet your practice team.
- Complete one of the personal reflection prompts or meditation activities suggested below.
- Brush up on the literature. Do you need a primer on the principles and practices related to bridging differences, building common ground, inclusion and belonging, or social cohesion? A few resources to get you started are included below and in the practice guide.
Personal Reflection
Set your intention for your time at Building Together. What are the actions you’ll take or decisions you’ll make that will contribute to your personal learning and to strengthening your leadership? Be specific about how you’ll spend your time in Chicago and keep it realistic and simple.
- I commit to listening with curiosity to ideas and experiences that are different from my own.
- I commit to noticing how I respond when my perspectives, ideas, or identity are challenged.
- I commit to modeling courage by sharing my perspective and generously receiving the perspectives of others.
- From Mindful Movement: Guided Meditation for Setting Intentions
Relevant Resources:
- From PACE, Peace and Security Funders Group and the Council on Foundations: Social Cohesion Primer
- From Interfaith America and the Ad Council: Assessing Your Inner Bridge Builder