The Council's Legal Resources team provides trainings, publications, and resources to help you stay up to date on foundation operations and legal compliance. Our staff includes attorneys with experience in nonprofit and tax law who understand the unique legal and compliance issues facing community foundations. Our staff counsel are here to help you by advising on matters related to your organizational structure and governance, compliance, fundraising, self-dealing, and other legal matters.
There are community foundation specific legal resources available on our website, including answers to the most frequently asked member questions on donor-advised funds, endowments, global and domestic grantmaking, fundraising, scholarships, impact investing, planned gifts, and IRA distributions. In addition, we offer sample templates for the most common legal needs, such fund agreements and gift acceptance policies. Our attorneys may review Council member fund agreements and may offer edits and feedback. We also publish legal guidance and offer webinars and analysis on developing legislation relevant to the philanthropic sector.