2016 Endowments and Finance Summit - Sponsor Opportunities
Sponsor Opportunities
2015 Endowments and Finance Summit Audience At A Glance
Why Sponsor the Endowment and Finance Summit?
Sponsorship is one of the best ways to brand your organization as a thought leader and to highlight your commitment to advancing the philanthropic sector. As a sponsor, you will be able to:
- Connect with industry decision makers. Seventy percent of the 2015 Endowments and Finance Summit attendees were C-suite executives with the majority having six or more years of financial or investment management experience.
- Showcase your organization’s expertise at a best-in-class educational experience for Council members. The Council represents organizations with combined assets of over $210 billion and approximately $15 billion in giving.
- Demonstrate your leadership. The Endowment and Finance Summit is the only event that brings together leaders from foundations of all asset sizes, types, and geographies for in-depth learning and networking.
Sponsor Packages
Education Partner ($100,000 or more) - SOLD
The Council thanks the TIAA Institute for its generous support as Education Partner.
- Recognition as top supporter of Summit – Education Partner level exclusive
- Acknowledgement from podium at top supporter during opening and closing plenaries — Education Partner level exclusive
- Recognition as top supporter on stand-alone signage
- Opportunity to introduce a guest speaker at a plenary session
- Organization featured on Summit website masthead
- Logo and sponsorship featured in relation to two (2) pre-Summit learning opportunities
- Five (5) complimentary registrations to the Summit
- All other benefits bestowed at the Leadership level
Leadership Partner ($50,000-$99,999)
Limited to One (1) Partner
- Acknowledgement from podium during opening and closing plenaries
- Recognition as leading supporter on stand-alone signage
- Four (4) complimentary registrations to the Summit
- Logo with hyperlink featured prominently on Summit website
- Logo looping on digital wall displays during Summit, if available
- All other benefits bestowed at the Supporting Partner level
Supporting Partner ($25,000 to $49,999)
Limited to Two (2) Partners, One (1) Available
- Acknowledgement from podium during opening and closing plenaries
- Three (3) complimentary registrations to the Summit
- Logo with hyperlink featured prominently on Summit website
- Logo looping on digital wall displays during Summit, if available
- Logo with hyperlink featured on the Council’s Supporters webpage
- All other benefits bestowed at the Lunch or Closing Plenary Partner level
Lunch or Closing Plenary Partner ($20,000)
Limited to Two (2) Partners
- Acknowledgement from podium during sponsored session. Session topics are predetermined.
- Three (3) complimentary registrations to the Summit
- Photos with Council leadership during Summit
- Logo featured on-screen at Summit plenary sessions
- Logo and sponsorship featured in Summit marketing
- All other benefits bestowed at the Networking Reception Partner level
Networking Reception Partner ($15,000)
Limited to One (1) Partner
- Opportunity to welcome attendees to the sponsored networking reception — Networking Reception Partner exclusive.
- Two (2) complimentary registrations to the Summit
- Mention pre- and post-Summit in the Council’s e-newsletter, This Week
- All other benefits bestowed at the Concurrent and Pre-Summit Session Partner level
Pre-Summit Session Partner ($10,000)
Limited to Two (2) Partners
- Acknowledgement from podium during sponsored pre-Summit session. The two pre-Summit session topics are community foundations and impact investing on Wednesday, September 28th — Pre-Summit Session Partner exclusive.
- Two (2) complimentary registrations to the Summit
- Name with hyperlink included on the Council’s Supporters webpage
- Name included in media release for Summit
- All other benefits bestowed at the Learning Lab and Technology Partner level
Concurrent Session Partner ($10,000)
Limited to Five (5) Partners, One (1) Available
- Opportunity to participate in a 90-minute concurrent session as part of a balanced group of practitioners, service providers, and foundations on a topic mutually agreed upon with the Council - Concurrent Session Partner exclusive
- Two (2) complimentary registrations to the Summit
- Name with hyperlink included on the Council’s Supporters webpage
- Name included in media release for Summit
- All other benefits bestowed at the Learning Lab and Technology Partner level
Learning Lab Partner ($5,000) - SOLD OUT
Limited to Two (2) Partners, 0 Available
- Opportunity to present on a mutually agreed upon topic during 60-minute block session on Thursday, September 29th — Learning Lab Partner exclusive
- One (1) complimentary registration to the Summit
- Logo featured on onsite Summit signage
- Organization description featured on Summit sponsor page
- All other benefits bestowed at the Breakfast Roundtable Partner level

Technology Partner ($5,000) - SOLD OUT
Limited to One (1) Partner, 0 Available
- Recognition as the official sponsor of the Summit’s app and free WiFi — Technology Partner exclusive
- One (1) complimentary registration to the Summit
- Logo featured on on-site Summit signage
- Organization description featured on Summit sponsor page
- All other benefits bestowed at the Breakfast Roundtable Partner level
Breakfast Roundtable Partner ($2,500) - SOLD OUT
Limited to Seven (7) Partners, 0 Available
- Opportunity to lead a discussion on a mutually agreed upon topic at a 10-top table on Friday, September 30th — Breakfast Roundtable Partner exclusive
- Signage with logo on sponsored table
- One (1) complimentary registration to the Summit
- Promotion of sponsorship over social media
- Exposure in Summit marketing efforts
- All other benefits bestowed at the Partner level
Partner ($2,499 to $1,500)
- Logo with hyperlink on Summit sponsor page
- Logo featured in on-site program
- Sponsor ribbons at Summit for all organization representatives
- Mention in This Week e-newsletter post-Summit