Public Policy Action Network

What is the Council’s Public Policy Action Network?

The Council’s Public Policy Action Network is a group of foundation leaders committing their voices, experiences, and networks to engage and educate federal elected officials to foster a policy environment in which philanthropy can thrive. Policymakers depend on the voices and experiences of philanthropists to ensure that policies can best address the needs of foundations and their nonprofit partners.

Why Participate in the Public Policy Action Network?

As foundation leaders, you are the best advocates for philanthropy. You see how foundations are working to address challenges, support communities, and advance the greater good. Together, we can ensure that policymakers understand how their decisions impact the important work of foundations and their nonprofit partners. Public Policy Action Network Members will be provided with tools and training, including:

  • Regular Policy Updates from the Council.
  • Council action alerts, especially on key public policy issues important to the sector.
  • Assistance with scheduling annual meetings with your members of Congress, including a Congressional Recess Packet.
  • Additional opportunities to engage with policymakers and be an advocate for foundations.

As a member of the Action Network, you will build relationships with other foundation leaders, develop policy skills, and advocate for policies that will advance the greater good.

Join the Public Policy Action Network


Upcoming Events

Other Advocacy Resources

Take Action

Do you have 5 minutes for philanthropy? View our active Action Alerts to communicate with your members of Congress on pending legislation.

Advocacy Toolkit

Sometimes the hardest part of engaging in advocacy can be figuring out where to start. Use our Advocacy Toolkit to get the basics on getting started with advocacy and interacting with your legislative officials.

Advocacy & Lobbying Resources

Access all of our advocacy and lobbying resources to understand how you can participate in shaping public policy. Our resources include the legal rules and limitations for public charities and private foundations.


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