2015 Annual Meeting Call for Sessions

The Council on Foundations' Annual Meeting is the premier philanthropic event that showcases innovative strategies, trends in the field, thought leadership and professional practices.  Attendees are inspired, encouraged to generate new thinking and ideas, enhance their professional skills, build upon their networks and find new ways to work together.

This annual event draws between 1,000 to 1,300 attendees from all types of foundations, infrastructure organizations and colleagues in government and policy.  Philanthropy is broadly defined for this event and includes all forms—community, family, private and corporate.  It also ranges in scope from local to global.   This conference is a gathering for all levels of foundation staff with the largest participation from CEOs, Trustees and program officers.

Annual Meeting Goals

  • Share relevant trends and innovations in philanthropy both globally and domestically.
  • Discuss the current state of community, family, global and corporate philanthropy.
  • Brainstorm ways to improve the role and capacity of philanthropy within natural resources, economy & finance and civil society–in terms of current needs as well as those affected by the changing world.
  • Deliberate innovative ways for all foundations to fulfill their mission, and collaborate with government and private sector.
  • Provide attendees with resources, tools and information to enhance their skills in their jobs to work more effectively in their foundation

Who Can Submit?

We welcome submissions from the philanthropic community and non-philanthropic entities. Ideally, we are looking to learn from leaders in the field who will offer expertise that aligns with the conference theme and program focus areas that have been outlined in this process.  We are particularly interested in submissions that include speakers representing community, family, independent and corporate perspectives together.

This meeting presents a unique opportunity to further engage in an active and ongoing process that affirms diversity in its many forms, encompassing but not limited to ethnicity, race, age, gender, sexual orientation and identification, economic circumstance, disability, and political philosophy. We strongly encourage you to incorporate diverse voices, philosophies, perspectives, and ideologies, and to think about creative ways to better reflect the global diversity of philanthropy.

Before submitting your session proposals, please be sure to review presenter information.

Submit Your Session Now!


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