
2015 Endowments and Financial Services Summit

Working with some of the top finance professionals in philanthropy, the Council is organizing a special summit for c-suite executives who oversee finance and investments and have an interest in leveraging their investments in new and exciting ways. The TIAA-CREF Institute is sponsoring the one and a half day event to be held in the heart of Manhattan’s Financial District. During the meeting, participants will have access to sessions to help them develop proactive, intentional and effective finance and endowment management strategies.

Date & Time

Stephanie Bell-Rose, Senior Managing Director of the TIAA-CREF Institute, shares the Working Group's vision of the Endowments and Financial Services Summit.

Working with some of the top professionals in philanthropy, the Council is organizing a special summit for c-suite executives who oversee finance and investments and want to leverage their financial resources in innovative and effective ways.

The TIAA-CREF Institute is sponsoring this one-and-a-half-day event to be held in the heart of New York City’s Financial District. Through a series of carefully planned, highly interactive sessions, participants will sharpen their financial-management skills and learn new strategies for enhancing their organizations' reach and impact.

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