Foundation-wide distribution rates increase along with overall asset size. A similar relationship between asset size and donor-advised fund distribution rate is observed. This is no small way can be attributable to the proportion of non-endowed assets held by larger foundations, which can tend to be more active grantmakers.

For every asset size cohort represented, the distribution rate of donor-advised funds, increasingly popular philanthropic vehicles, outpaces the foundation as a whole.

Sample size for DAF distribution rates are slightly smaller (n=213) than for the whole foundation (n=261).

Size of Foundation Donor-Advised Funds Whole Foundation
<$25M 5% 4%
$25M - $50M 7% 4%
$50M - $100M 8% 5%
$100M - $250M 9% 6%
$250M - $500M 13% 7%
>$500M 12% 8%