In 2020, the median community foundation saw gift and grant totals both increase by double digits, and nearly a third of survey respondents reported a fundraising total increase of more than 50 percent over 2019, reflecting a field that was particularly well-positioned to be among the most active philanthropic institutions as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged.

Degree of change: Dramatic decrease = -50% or greater; Moderate decrease = -49 - -11%; Neutral = -10% - +10%; Moderate increase = +11% - +49%; Dramatic increase = +50% or greater.

Median change in gifts: 16%

Type of activity Dramatic decrease Moderate decrease Neutral Moderate increase Dramatic increase Median change
Gifts 8% 23% 16% 23% 30% 16%
Grants 3% 18% 18% 40% 22% 18%