Coming Together, Not Apart: How Philanthropy Supports Connection in a Time of Dangerous Division
Part 1 of 3

Coming Together, Not Apart: How Philanthropy Supports Connection in a Time of Dangerous Division is the first of three Council on Foundations publications exploring philanthropy's involvement in developing the heartset, mindset, and skillset to lead collaboratively across differences. It dives deep into how philanthropy is talking about and investing in work to navigate divides and connect across differences, and it examines the opportunities, risks, and challenges in funding work to bring people together in a time of toxic division.
The first Coming Together, Not Apart publication is a synthesis of broad survey results, focused interviews with front-line organization leaders, and revealing data. Deeply researched and eminently readable, download a copy today and explore philanthropy's significant and growing involvement in this crucial work.
Be sure to read the second part in this publication series: Coming Together, Not Apart: Inside the Work of Turning Conflict Into Collaboration.
For a list of references used in this report, consult the references page.