Canada Country Note

Getting Started is a new members-only resource within Country Notes. To help connect you with others working in Canada, we have identified:

You may also want to reference our Global Grantmaking Resources to understand the basics of global grantmaking or learn more about specific regulatory or compliance issues.

This resource page is regularly updated. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Natalie Ross.

Philanthropy Networks in Canada

Community Foundations of Canada logo

Community Foundations of Canada

National network for Canada’s 191 community foundations. 

Andrea Dicks, Vice President

Philanthropic Foundations Canada logo

Philanthropic Foundations Canada

Promotes the growth and development of effective and responsible Grantmakers in Canada through provision of membership services, resources, and advocacy.

Liza Goulet, Director

Legal Contacts

Adam Aptowitzer


National Listing of Certified NGOs

The Charities Directorate of Canada maintains an online directory of all registered charities and qualified grantee partners.

Local Community Foundations in Canada



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Getting Started is a members-only resource within Country Notes. To help connect you with others working in Canada, we have identified: local nonprofit and philanthropic networks; key local legal contacts; national listing of certified NGOs; local community foundations; and Council members actively grantmaking in this country.

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