Join the largest education grantmaking conference this October under the theme Igniting Hope in a Time of Recovery.
The past three years have been some of the most destabilizing ever for American schools, postsecondary institutions, and other learning environments. Amid continued challenges for both learners and educators, a new day is dawning. This is a critical moment to reimagine the purpose of education, who it serves and the forms it takes. Given heightened polarization, it is also a moment for constructive conversations about how we can continue to center issues of equity.
Funders are needed to catalyze innovation, support systemic change and rethink the practices that have led to inequitable outcomes both before and during the pandemic. We invite members and other education funders to join us in person in Austin, Texas, October 18-20, 2022 to celebrate the bright spots that have emerged and grapple with philanthropy’s next steps in transforming a still-unjust system.