Increasing Impact, Enhancing Value: A Practitioner's Guide to Leading Corporate Philanthropy

Increasing Impact, Enhancing Value: A Practitioner's Guide to Leading Corporate PhilanthropyLeaders of corporate foundations and giving programs have an opportunity to redefine the role of corporate philanthropy. By taking the initiative to align and engage their efforts more closely with the business, these leaders can help unleash new resources and ideas to enhance the company’s positive impact on society. At the same time, this alignment can create new value for the company and increase its competitive advantage.

This guide, published in 2012, offers original field research and a platform for corporate philanthropy, and provides clear and practical paths forward for the work of the field and the role of corporate foundations. That work is guided by a five-point framework:

  1. Create a new narrative for corporate philanthropy as an investment in society.
  2. Develop an inclusive “operating system” for philanthropic investment.
  3. Professionalize the field.
  4. Improve collaboration, communication, and knowledge sharing.
  5. Mobilize “field level” leadership behind this agenda.

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