Thematic Areas - 2015 Annual Meeting

2015 Annual Meeting Thematic Areas

Economy and Finance

The long-term health and prosperity of our global economy depends on the ability of the private sector to create jobs and shared opportunity. Foundations are driving economic growth and providing strategic direction to key areas of social investment. To build stronger neighborhoods, cities, and regions requires a strong understanding of the current economic landscape. Programming in this track will explore how foundations can set priorities for investment and partnership.

Civil Society

A healthy civil society is critical to the success of democracy and strengthens our civic values. It is the individuals and institutions that are independent of governments, the platform where the people exercise the freedoms of speech and association, where individuals may coalesce around shared interests, purposes and values, and where diversity is embraced. Programming in this area will look at both challenges and opportunities for civil society both here and across the world.

Natural Resources and Energy

Though over 7.1 billion people now live on earth, the planet’s population is expected to increase rapidly in coming decades. An increasing population will strain existing natural systems as well as continue to impact climate change as people consume more energy and resources. In particular, these changes are currently evident with rising sea level changes, greater drought conditions and more frequent natural disasters.  Innovation may create efficiencies and higher yields, but the world must still avoid degradation to our biodiversity and mitigate the impacts from climate change. From the Green Revolution to the proliferation of renewable energy at a local level, foundations have repeatedly catalyzed action that has helped communities adapt to changing ecosystems. Programming in this track will look at how foundations are helping manage systems for sustainable resources and building resilience amidst a changing natural world.

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