
2020 Census & COVID-19: What Funders Can Do To Support a Fair and Accurate Count

This call will offer a status update on the 2020 Census, which began in earnest mid-March, just as COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic.

Date & Time

ET to




Free to Members and Non-Members


This call offered a status update on the 2020 Census, which began in earnest mid-March, just as COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic. Participants heard from national and state-based philanthropic leaders to learn what’s at stake with the count, where self-response is lagging in historically undercounted communities, how practitioners are adjusting their education and outreach campaigns in the wake of COVID-19, and how funders can engage toward a fair and accurate count. 



  • Geri Mannion, Director of the Strengthening Democracy Program and Special Opportunities Fund, Carnegie Corporation of New York 
  • Stephania Ramirez, Director of Strategic Initiatives, California Community Foundation 
  • Jocelyn Bissonnette, Director of the Funders Census Initiative, Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation