
Aligning Endowments & Investments with Foundation Values

As philanthropy continues to support nonprofits and invest in local communities, foundations across the country are looking beyond their grantmaking to better leverage their endowments and investments to further their mission.

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As philanthropy continues to support nonprofits and invest in local communities, foundations across the country are looking beyond their grantmaking to better leverage their endowments and investments to further their mission. The recent 2020 Study of Investment of Endowments for Private and Community Foundations found that more foundations than ever are discussing and leveraging impact investing and other forms of values-aligned endowment practices, with 19% of private foundations saying they seek to include investments ranking high on ESG criteria and 20% screening out investments that are inconsistent with their mission.

Join the Council on Foundations to hear from three foundations who have recently taken steps to embrace better ways of operating by aligning their endowment practices with their core organizational values. You’ll hear examples of how they are ensuring their invested capital advances (and doesn’t work against) their organizational mission by divesting from fossil fuels, using loans and other mechanisms to support small businesses within their community, and more.


Tonya Allen
McKnight Foundation

John Palfrey
MacArthur Foundation

Valerie Red-Horse Mohl
East Bay Community Foundation


Kathleen Enright
President & CEO
Council on Foundations

Resources and External Links

Getting Started

Partners in the Field - Philanthropy Serving Organizations

Additional Resources