
Foundations and Systemic Global Challenges

This day-long event will bring together key leaders of US and European foundations working internationally and on global issues to discuss complex systemic challenges Foundations are tackling, including climate change and migration.

Date & Time



The German Marshall Fund of the United States
1744 R St NW
Washington, DC 20009


This is an invitation-only event. Please contact Natalie Ross for more information.

Foundations and Systemic Global Challenges

The Council on Foundations and European Foundation Centre will co-host a meeting on Saturday, April 9 in Washington DC, as a globally-focused pre-conference to the 2016 Council on Foundations Annual Conference. This day-long event will bring together key leaders of US and European foundations working internationally and on global issues to discuss complex systemic challenges Foundations are tackling, including climate change and migration. Taking a 15-20 year perspective, we will encourage foundation leaders to:

  • Discuss observations of ongoing drivers and levers for global change, as well as current gaps and needs;
  • Share what we are each doing institutionally to tackle these challenges;
  • Identify specific opportunities where a collective response from foundations can add value; and
  • Explore how to galvanize more foundations to embrace global and interconnected agendas.