
Legal Lunch Series with Legal Affairs

On Thursday, July 16, Council Attorneys, Suzanne Friday and Bryan Del Rosario, kicked off the inaugural quarterly series, “Legal Lunch” webinar to over 30 member participants. The topics the two discussed ranged from a grantmaker’s reporting and withholding obligations related to scholarships, the legal requirements of grants to a private foundation from another private foundation, DAF grants and the public support test and explaining the intricacies of private operating foundations. Additionally, past Trending in Legal Affairs posts were highlighted.

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On Thursday, July 16, Council Attorneys, Suzanne Friday and Bryan Del Rosario, kicked off the inaugural quarterly series, “Legal Lunch” webinar to over 30 member participants. The topics the two discussed ranged from a grantmaker’s reporting and withholding obligations related to scholarships, the legal requirements of grants to a private foundation from another private foundation, DAF grants and the public support test and explaining the intricacies of private operating foundations. Additionally, past Trending in Legal Affairs posts were highlighted.