
Philanthropy Week in Washington 2016

Philanthropy Week in Washington provides the opportunity to highlight the role and power of philanthropy in our country and across the globe. During Philanthropy Week in Washington, we shine a spotlight on American philanthropy’s critical role as a unique stakeholder in collective efforts to address some of today’s toughest challenges. Working with government, business, civic leaders and nonprofits, philanthropy can be a dynamic partner that leverages its resources and leadership for the common good. The week is also a channel to raise philanthropy’s voices to members of Congress, federal policymakers, and other Washington influencers, and remind them of what philanthropy and government can accomplish together.

Date & Time

ET to


Washington, D.C.



April 11 - 15, 2016

Philanthropy Week in Washington provides the opportunity to highlight the role and power of philanthropy in our country and across the globe. During Philanthropy Week in Washington, we shine a spotlight on American philanthropy’s critical role as a unique stakeholder in collective efforts to address some of today’s toughest challenges. Working with government, business, civic leaders and nonprofits, philanthropy can be a dynamic partner that leverages its resources and leadership for the common good.

The week is also a channel to raise philanthropy’s voices to members of Congress, federal policymakers, and other Washington influencers, and remind them of what philanthropy and government can accomplish together.

Together, we’ll continue to demonstrate how American philanthropy continues to be a critical leader, partner, and catalyst.

*Council events are not opportunities for solicitation of any kind, including asking for business, fund management, or grants. All types of solicitation are strictly prohibited. For more information, read our no solicitation policy.