
Webinar: Philanthropy's Response to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis

Philanthropy’s Response for the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis.

Date & Time

ET to


Zoom Webinar


Free and open to all

The Council on Foundations and the U.S. State Department hosted an urgent discussion on how philanthropy can best support the humanitarian response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feburary 24, 2022. Representatives from the State Department Office of Global Partnerships and the philanthropic community shared information on the status of the crisis and both their personal and professional perspectives on the humanitarian impact of the war.

This session provided an opportunity for foundations and philanthropies to share what efforts are already underway and to discuss how the sector can coordinate and collaborate together to address the humanitarian needs that are growing by the day.


Thomas Debass
Managing Director,
Office of Global Partnerships,
U.S. Department of State

Molly Montgomery
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
U.S. Department of State

Nick Deychakiwsky
Senior Program Officer,
Civil Society,
 Charles Stewart Mott Foundation


Shalini Eddens
Deputy Executive Director
Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights

Gregory Maniatis
Director, Office of the Vice President,
Global Programs
Open Society Foundations


   Kathleen Enright
    President & CEO
Council on Foundations