The Grantmakers Income Security Taskforce (GIST) and Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families (GCYF) invite you to attend the 13th Annual Budget and Tax Briefing for Grantmakers: The Future of the Safety Net - Secure or Shredded, on February 29 - March 1, 2016 in Washington, DC. This meeting is free of charge and open to foundation representatives and philanthropic advisors. Please join us for an opportunity to network with colleagues and learn about and discuss pressing federal and state budget and tax issues and their impact on supports and services on low-income families, workers and communities. Sessions include: Collaborating Around Budget Issues, Federal Budget and Tax Outlook, State and Local Budget and Tax Trends, High Stakes in the Emerging Debate on Poverty, Five States Away from a Constitutional Convention, Setting the Table for the Next President, Dinner and a Movie with Jason Cohn, director of documentary film in progress, Mad as Hell!: Howard Jarvis and the Birth of the Tax Revolt and Breakfast Meeting with Administration for Children and Families on Budget Innovations.
13th Annual Budget & Tax Briefing
Organization Name
Grantmakers Income Security Taskforce and Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families
Start Date
End Date
Event URL