Foundations on the Hill (FOTH) brings together foundation leaders from across the country for meetings with Congress about key issues of importance to foundations and philanthropy. FOTH is presented through a partnership between the Council on Foundations and the United Philanthropy Forum. Foundation trustees and staff work with their regional or national philanthropy-serving organization to schedule meetings on Capitol Hill to personally discuss their work with members of Congress.
Foundations on the Hill is the one time each year when philanthropy speaks with a strong, collective voice on Capitol Hill. Our goals are to inform and educate Congress about philanthropy; create visibility for philanthropy on Capitol Hill; advocate on issues affecting foundations and communities; and encourage Congress to view foundations as a resource on key public policy issues. With the challenging issues facing many communiities across the nation and the globe, it is more important than ever for philanthropy to tell the story of the work of the sector and to demonstrate the importance of public policies that incentivize giving in the United States.
This year's activities include Philanthropy Forum's opening reception, a policy breakfast, networking activities, attendee delegation dinners, visits to Congressional offices, and the Council's Congressional Reception on Capitol Hill. Regional philanthropic associations will host special events for their delegations, such as the celebration of the Florida Philanthropic Network's 20th Anniversary at the Florida House for its members and FOTH colleagues.