Intermountain West Funders Network 2021 Virtual Convening

IMWFN 2021 Virtual Convening Schedule


Day 1: Wednesday, May 12   12:00pm MT - 3:30pm MT

Day 2: Thursday, May 13 12:00 p.m. MT – 2:30 p.m. MT


Our 2021 IMWFN Virtual Convening will mark a special time for Intermountain West funders to translate national trends influencing work at the intersection of environment, economy and equity. Discussions will help you consider new ways of thinking about your challenges. And you’ll be sure to find funders with whom you can connect, share, and possibly collaborate.

This meeting provides funders the opportunity to reconnect after last year’s in-person meeting in Tucson was cancelled due to the pandemic.

Every year this event catalyzes new thinking, behaviors, and actions on the part of participants in this diverse network who all work in this unique Mountain West region.

COVID relief, racial equity, economic recovery and climate justice are defining efforts around the country. How are Intermountain West funders engaging on these and other issues? What promising funder practices are emerging in these unprecedented times? What can we learn from one another?

We hope you’ll join us to deepen our learning and explore the strategies and approaches that are helping create a more sustainable, prosperous and equitable region.


Thank You

We thank the IMWFN Planning Committee for helping us pivot to a virtual format:

Jessica Gonzalez, LISC | Phoenix

Laia Mitchell, The Gates Family Foundation

Melanie Mitros, Vitalyst Health Foundation

Paula Randolph, Babbitt Center for Land & Water Conservation (committee chair)


The Funders Network’s Intermountain West Funders Network (IMWFN) allows funders to grow relationships, deepen knowledge, explore unique endeavors and share promising practices. While funders in the network embed a variety of lenses into their work, their key focus remains on ensuring that the most important resources of the Intermountain West — its land, water and people — are paramount when making decisions about growth and development.

Organization Name
The Funders Network
Start Date
End Date