Introduction to Social Measurement and Evaluation Workshop (AEA Summer Evaluation Institute)

The social sector is changing and moving towards right-sized, fit for purpose and leaner approaches to assessing results, an area broadly referred to as social impact measurement (SIM). In addition to monitoring and evaluating outcomes and impacts, today’s M&E professionals need to be equipped with the tools and resources needed to navigate across this new landscape. This workshop will demystify social impact measurement (SIM), situate the context and implications these trends have for evaluation, draw the connection between SIM and evaluation, and provide a menu of tools and resources available for M&E practitioners working in this new environment.

You will learn:

  • The history of social impact measurement and implications for M&E
  • Practical tools, tips and techniques important for diagnosing and designing right-sized measurement and evaluation
  • A menu of approaches being used to measure and assess impact

Audience: Attendees charged with measuring, monitoring and evaluating impact from the private sector, impact investors, social enterprises and other market based-solutions as well as those interested in learning more about the growing social impact measurement space.

Veronica Olazabal is Director of Measurement, Evaluation and Organizational Performance at The Rockefeller Foundation. Her professional portfolio spans two decades and four continents and includes working with the MasterCard and Rockefeller Foundation’s global programs. She has also led the monitoring, evaluation, and research efforts of social venture Nuru International, UMCOR (The United Methodists Committee on Relief), and the Food Bank for New York City. Veronica is the recipient of the 2014 American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) Alva and Gunnar Myrdal Evaluation Practice Award, currently serves on the AEA Board and is co-Founder of the AEA Social Impact Measurement (SIM) Topical Interest Group (TIG) as well as co-chairs the AEA International Cross-Cultural Evaluation (ICCE) TIG.

Karim Harji is Co-Founder and Director at Purpose Capital, an impact investment advisory firm.  He supports impact investors and grantmakers in designing, implementing, and evaluating impact investment strategies and portfolios. He co-authored the strategic assessment of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Impact Investing Initiative, and the global landscape review, Accelerating Impact: Achievements, Challenges and What’s Next in Building the Impact Investing Industry.  He was previously an Advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation on social impact measurement, and a Member of the Impact Measurement Working Group of the G8 Social Impact Investment Task Force.  He is the co-Founder of the AEA Social Impact Measurement (SIM) Topical Interest Group (TIG).

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Organization Name
American Evaluation Association
Start Date
End Date