Good ideas have no borders.
On May 16, 2017, at 2 p.m. ET join leading thinkers in a conversation about how looking abroad can help us imagine new possibilities as we work to build a Culture of Health.
- Explore real-life examples of practical solutions that may be adapted here in the U.S. to transform our health system.
- Learn how a team of U.S. providers took a highly successful Swedish program that made rheumatoid arthritis patients true co-producers of their own care and adapted it to help doctors and patients in the U.S. work together to treat Cystic Fibrosis and Crohn’s.
- Hear how and why RWJF is looking beyond our borders to build a Culture of Health in America.
Insights from overseas can be inspiring and invaluable as we seek to create the kind of health care system we all deserve—one that couples care with compassion, rewards value over volume, and places health at the center of every aspect of life.