WEBINAR: Project Streamline - Essential Principles and Key Practices

A grantmakers’ application and reporting practices are often the first – and sometimes the only – thing that a grantseeker or grantee organization experiences as evidence of what the grantmaker cares about. When your application, monitoring, and reporting practices are burdensome, redundant, or confusing, they waste time and money for your grantseekers and your staff – and they probably don’t support your strategy or values as well as they could.

This webinar offers an introduction to Project Streamline and the practical changes that grantmakers can make to their own practice to help improve their own efficiency and reduce the burden on grantseekers and grantees.

Join this practical exploration of streamlining principles and practices. We will review Project Streamline’s research on what matters most to grantmakers and grantseekers and discuss specific strategies and practical ideas for overcoming common barriers, resistance to change, and making streamlining changes in your own organization.

Organization Name
PEAK Grantmaking
Start Date
End Date