
Philanthropy's Response to 2021 Tornadoes

Resources to Guide Philanthropic Response


More than 50 tornadoes struck multiple states on December 11 and 12, causing devastation and significant loss of life. The states impacted include, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, and Kentucky -- with the most significant loss of life occuring in Kentucky. 

President Biden delcared a major disaster in Kentucky and FEMA has been activated.



As various local, state and regional and philanthropic institutions establish response funds for disaster recovery, we will keep this information up to date.


  • The Center for Disaster Philanthropy is the Council's recommended partner for those needing support in mobilizing a philanthropic response to disasters.
  • FEMA is a critical federal partner of the Council that often relies on community foundations and place-based funders before, during, and after a disaster hits. Visit FEMA’s Torando Response page for additional news and information. The Council's Senior Advisor for Public Policy and Partnerships, Stephanie Powers, remains a vital resource and connection between Council Members and FEMA.

FEMA logo CDP logo

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