
Navigating the 2018 Federal Budget Landscape

This webinar will update Council members on the status of the President's 2018 Federal Budget, Congressional appropriations actions to date, and what the likely impacts will be on nonprofits and the social safety net as Congress continues its effort to arrive at a final budget.

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Many of the Executive actions and fiscal visions of the Trump Administration have surfaced complicated and layered public policy issues, putting a variety of "hot issues" in the forefront of the public discourse and Congressional deliberations. Notwithstanding has been the approach to the 2018 federal budget.

The President submitted a 2018 budget proposal that would radically reduce federal funding for many critical human, educational, and environmental stewardship services. "DOA," the pundits say. However, in not meeting their obligation to pass a federal operating budget by the end of the federal fiscal year (September 30), Congress has "kicked the can down the road" on appropriations and other important fiscal issues, including a longer term raise in the nation's debt limit and decisions on most of the federal appropriations bills, all creating continued uncertainty. On the front burner now, major reform of the tax code is also a critical element of the fiscal blueprint of this Congress and the White House. All hold the potential for significant impacts on States, localities, and charities, especially if popular tax deductions for individual taxpayers are eliminated.

Join the Council's Sr. Director for Policy and Partnerships, Stephanie Powers, as she hosts federal and tax policy analysts who will update Council members on the decisions and actions to date around federal spending. Participants will hear from the Council's government relations firm, Akin Gump, and colleagues from the Pew Charitable Trust's Fiscal Federalism, Government Performance project and the National Council of Nonprofits who will discuss the potential impact of the Trump Administration's budget requests and what the likely result will be from Congressional Appropriations actions. Participants will be invited to share concerns and specific stories of potential impacts on their nonprofit grantees and local communities.


Lauren O'Brien, Partner, Akin Gump

Rebecca Theiss, Senior Associate, Fiscal Federalism, Government Performance, The Pew Charitable Trust

David Thompson, Vice President of Public Policy, National Council of Nonprofits