Submit a Blog Post

If you or your foundation is interested in submitting a blog post, please adhere to the following guidelines.

Post Guidelines

Blog posts should be around 300 – 500 words, sharing unique perspective or expert information. You may include references and links to your organization, as well as relevant resources such as research reports, graphs, and multimedia that supports your post. Overly promotional pieces will not be considered for inclusion, nor will any piece that is blatantly offensive. We recommend ending the piece with a question or thought-provoking statement that will prompt readers to engage in the conversation.


Submit your piece, as well as a headshot and information about the author to Make sure your post has a strong title. In addition, please submit any relevant high definition images that support your post.


Council staff will review your post for appropriateness and incorporate grammatical and style edits to ensure consistency throughout the post. If your piece is selected for submission, the post will be published on the blog and promoted through the Council’s FacebookTwitter, and our weekly edition of This Week at the Council. Authors are also encouraged to share their pieces on the Philanthropy Exchange, the online community of Council members.


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