Private Grantmakers include private, independent, and family foundations, along with operating private foundations, grantmaking LLCs, and private health-conversion foundations.

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Member Benefits

Our private grantmaker members value these membership benefits and services most:

Legal Consultation
On-demand support and access to our expert legal team on issues like supporting scholarship programsinternational grantmaking, and disaster relief.
Networking & Connecting
Receive member discounts to our annual HR Retreat and Public Policy Summit where you can engage with, and learn from, your peers in philanthropy.
More than 300 member-only resources on our website– including recently updated sample documents such as fund agreements, policy documents, and other templates.
Legal Compendium
Professional Development
Trainings, webinars, and learning opportunities tailored specifically to private grantmakers with topics such as Telling Stories with Data and Navigating New UBIT Rules.
Country Notes
Access to Country Notes, our enhanced global regulatory resources guide to cross-border grantmaking.
Sector News & Updates
Up-to-date information in our weekly member-only newsletters, Council Connection.

View all benefits

Membership Contribution

Private grantmakers self-report assets from their most recent completed fiscal year to determine their annual Council membership contribution.

Assets Annual Contribution
$999,999 & under $1,000
$1,000,000-$4,999,999 $2,500
$5,000,000-$29,999,999 $4,000
$30,000,000-$99,999,999 $7,500
$100,000,000-$199,999,999 $10,000
$200,000,000-$299,999,999 $15,000
$300,000,000-$599,999,999 $20,000
$600,000,000-$1,999,999,999 $25,000
$2,000,000,000-$9,999,999,999 $35,000
$10,000,000,000 & over $45,000

For more information about Council policies and member eligibility, please reference our Membership Policy.

If you do not want to use our online application system to join, you can download and complete the pdf membership application for Private Grantmaker Members.

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The Council on Foundations fosters an environment where philanthropy can thrive and cultivates a community of diverse and skilled philanthropic professionals and organizations who lead with integrity, serve as ethical stewards, and advocate for progress.


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