Launchpad For Hosts: A Giving Circle Incubator

Launchpad For Hosts by Philanthropy Together is a 6-month virtual training program to launch giving circles within your institution. This is the only training program of its kind to help you start giving circles at your institution. It builds on insights from dozens of organizations currently hosting giving circles over the past decade, and provides a roadmap for doing so successfully. With a curriculum informed entirely by a decade’s worth of field research, Philanthropy Together will help you answer important questions like: - How will we gather stakeholder buy-in? - What is the best model for hosting giving circles at my institution?

  • Who is the best person to lead and champion hosted circles here?
  • How does hosted giving circles fit into our current staffing structure?
  • How will we evaluate the impact of our hosted circles?
  • And much more!

The program kicks off with a 6-week sprint on Tuesday, January 26 and you'll engage in six weekly 90-minute live, interactive learning sessions. You will also have five monthly 45-minute 1:1 private consultations with Philanthropy Together's Director of Engagement, Tyeshia Wilson, who has extensive experience in strategic community engagement and is also a member of a hosted giving circle.

Launchpad For Hosts is for passionate community leaders within philanthropic host institutions, most commonly Community Foundations, Jewish Federations, Corporations, Women's or Issue Funds, etc. You might be a program officer or donor engagement director, or leading corporate social responsibility work within your organization. We encourage participants to be leaders within your organization able to make decisions or pull in key decision makers easily.

Applications can be submitted online at Apply by December 15 to save $200!

Application Deadline: Friday, January 15 at 10A PT / 1P ET
Cost: $1,000 for the first participant and $500 per additional participant (Max 3)
Payment is due within three days of application.


Organization Name
Philanthropy Together
Start Date
End Date