The median FY19 survey respondent saw gift totals remain relatively flat from FY18, with a modest increase of just above two percent. One-fifth of all respondents saw fundraising totals remain within 10 percent of FY18 levels, while 37 percent of respondents reported a moderate or dramatic decrease in their gifts received. Notably, the cohort of community foundations with $25M in assets or less saw the most dramatic increases in fundraising with a median increase of 35 percent over FY18 levels. The median change in grantmaking was a more than eight percent increase, with 45 percent of respondents reporting a moderate or dramatic increase in grant dollars awarded over FY18 levels.
Median change in gifts: 2%
Type of activity | Dramatic decrease | Moderate decrease | Neutral | Moderate increase | Dramatic increase | Median change |
Gifts | 8% | 29% | 20% | 15% | 28% | 2% |
Grants | 1% | 19% | 35% | 31% | 14% | 8% |