2014 Annual Conference Pre and Post Conference Events

Preconference and Post-Conference Programs

Separate registration is required for all of these events. Space is limited. Register now! If you are already registered for the conference and would like to add events, please download the additional programming registration form.

Energizing Private Partnerships at the Federal Level

Friday, June 6 - 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

This event is free. However to attend, you must RSVP to Nicholas Williams at Nicholas.williams@price.usc.edu.

The session will examine the variety of efforts by the federal government to accelerate partnerships with foundations and corporations across a diverse set of agencies and departments. In particular, it will look at the ways in which federal agencies and their leaders are creating mechanisms that will catalyze cross-sectoral collaboration, their roles and responsibilities, the conditions that increase the probability of success, and lessons learned to date. Findings from a recent study conducted by The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy at the University of Southern California will be discussed and implications for practice will be explored.

Moderator: James M. Ferris, Director, The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy, University of Southern California

Essential Skills and Strategies Course

Friday, June 6 - 1-5 p.m. - Saturday, June 7 - 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

$325 members/$625 nonmembers

Essential Skills & Strategies (ESS) for New Grantmakers is an educational program to help familiarize new grantmakers to the foundation world and the field of philanthropy and act as a refresher for seasoned grantmakers. Designed by experts in the philanthropic sector, ESS is the field’s standardized orientation for grantmakers. The sessions are designed to provide grantmakers with the knowledge, insight, skills, and tools to be effective in their work.

Public Policy Seminar

Saturday, June 7th, from 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

We’ve designed this seminar for our members and colleagues who work in policy and advocacy. This intensive one-day workshop will dive into the art of developing an effective strategy to address complex, multi-issue legislation. We will use Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp’s Tax Reform Act of 2014 as our launching off point for the discussion.

Space for this event is limited. For more information or to express your interest in participating, please contact govt@cof.org.

CEO/Trustee Retreat

Saturday, June 7, 2014 - 10:00am – 4:00pm

$250 members/$475 nonmembers

This one-day gathering, designed specifically for foundation CEOs and board members, offers an opportunity to engage with peers in thoughtful, candid, off-the-record conversations on current and complex issues facing philanthropy as well as the burning issues and challenges that keep you, as a foundation leader, up at night. Establish new relationships, reconnect with peers, and broaden your network of colleagues in the field.

Women, Leadership, and Social Change

Saturday, June 7, 2014, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

$250 members/$475 nonmembers

Today’s leaders in business and social change sectors must address difficult challenges in their lives, in their organizations, and in their communities. Research shows that women possess the talents and skills needed to successfully tackle these complex problems. Yet, their assets are often overlooked and undervalued. Women, Leadership, and Social Change offers an energizing and holistic leadership session that will help women leaders in philanthropy discover and enhance their natural abilities to create social change. This session is modeled after the successful program developed and offered by Said Business School, Oxford University. It will also offer the opportunity to develop an ongoing network for guidance and peer support with session leaders and other participants so as to reinforce positive practices once back at the office.

Global Grantmaking Reception and Dinner

Saturday, June 7, 2014 - 6:30-9 p.m.

$250 members/$400 nonmembers
Register for this and the Corporate Breakfast and pay $300 members/$550 nonmembers – save $50. Register for this, the Corporate Breakfast, and Corporate Post-conference Program and pay $400 members/$800 nonmembers – save $100.

Enjoy wine, hors d’oeuvres, and great conversation during this festive reception, with an opportunity to make connections with new colleagues.

With the resources of both governments and traditional philanthropy barely growing or in decline and the problems of poverty, ill-health, and environmental degradation ballooning daily, it is increasingly clear that new models for financing and promoting social and environmental objectives are urgently needed. Fortunately, a significant revolution appears to be underway on the frontiers of philanthropy and social investing that is providing at least a partial response to this dilemma. Salamon’s talk, based on his new book – Leverage for Good: An Introduction to the New Frontiers of Philanthropy and Social Investing (April 2014, Oxford University Press) – will discuss the new actors and new tools reshaping philanthropy and social investment, an analysis of the forces promoting these developments, and a discussion of how foundations are reshaping the way we support solutions to social and environmental problems throughout the world.

Speaker: Dr. Lester M. Salamon, Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies

Corporate Breakfast: Increasing Impact, Enhancing Value Corporate Philanthropy Trends Update

Sunday, June 8, 2014 - 7:30-9:30 a.m.

$100 members/$200 nonmembers
Register for this and the Corporate Post-conference Program and pay $200 members/$450 nonmembers - save $50.

This event is for corporate foundation and corporate giving program professionals only.

This networking breakfast is designed specifically for corporate giving and foundation leaders, and it offers an opportunity to discuss and validate current and emerging trends in corporate philanthropy. In 2012 the Council released Increasing Impact, Enhancing Value a report on trends in corporate philanthropy. Hear what has changed since then, how the field is evolving, and connect with peers in the field.

Corporate Post-Conference Program - Corporate Philanthropy's Next Chapter - Issues Focus Groups

Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 12:30-2:30 p.m.

$150 members/$300 nonmembers
Register for this and the Corporate Breakfast and pay $200 members/$450 nonmembers - save $50.

Lunch will be served during this event.

Now that you’ve attended the conference and heard from the experts, join corporate philanthropy peers and colleagues to chart the next chapter for corporate philanthropy. Lend your expertise to explore opportunities and chart the course for cross-sector, cross-constituency thought partnerships and to advance issues of specific concern for the corporate sector and the philanthropic field.


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