Sarait Martinez
Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueño (CBDIO)
Executive Director
Sarait Martinez is an Indigenous Zapotec organizer who returned to CBDIO as Executive Director (ED) in Fall 2020 after first beginning her organizing career as a community outreach worker at the organization and later serving on our Board of Directors. In her role as ED, she builds on a long career of creating spaces for people to tap into their inherent power, grow their leadership, and organize to help communities thrive. Sarait has over 10 years of experience organizing youth and farmworker communities.
Sarait earned her Bachelor of Arts in political science and Chicano and Latino studies with a minor in economics as well as a Master's in Public Administration from California State University at Fresno. She also earned a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from San Francisco State University, where she focused on the education, empowerment, and well-being of Indigenous immigrant youth. Outside of work, Sarait loves spending time with her three nieces and hiking with her dog Xiti.