August Recess 2024 - Additional Resources

Foundations work on a variety of issues, only some covered by this packet. Below, find additional resources on policy issues the Council has been working on this Congress. You may find them helpful to prep your team, bring to a meeting, or share with an office after the fact. 

Understanding Fiscal Sponsorships  

  • Fiscal sponsorships, which many foundations use to partner with less established organizations, are a valuable and growing tool. This primer explains how and why foundations use them. 

Council on Foundations donor-advised fund recommendations

  • Developed by our Strengthening Community Philanthropy Ad Hoc Working Group in 2021-2022, these recommendations aim to ensure more philanthropic funds reach the communities that need it—without dismantling a valuable giving tool. 

Letter: sector concerns with recent legislation 

  • The Foreign Grant Reporting Act (H.R.8290) and American Donor Privacy and Foreign Funding Transparency Act (H.R.8293) pose several concerns for philanthropic organizations, including many within our membership. This letter, sent in partnership with Independent Sector, National Council of Nonprofits, and United Philanthropy Forum, detail some of these concerns. 

Reporting requirements and current proposals one-pager 

  • H.R.8290 and H.R.8293 create new reporting requirements that could create real risk for their partners and grant recipients. This one-pager explains how foundations must currently report their foreign grant activity and donors to the IRS. 


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