Jackie Carrera

Jackie Carrera

Santa Barbara Foundation

President & CEO

President & CEO Jackie Carrera is passionate about the vital role that community foundations play in creating strong communities. She is continually impressed by Santa Barbara’s sense of place and the love that people have for their county. Whether it’s a neighbor struggling with basic needs such as access to healthy food, housing or employment, or the region facing the threat of a natural disaster, Jackie has found that people want to know what they can do to help. She is inspired to help them make that connection – the nexus of which represents the power, resilience and beauty of the human spirit.

Jackie came to SBF in 2018 as the Chief Revenue & Business Development Officer during which time she led the Foundation’s efforts to drive new revenue opportunities, refine its business model, and continue the development of the donor base and endowment. She stepped into a role as the Foundation’s Interim CEO in January of 2020 and was named the President & CEO in April of 2020.

As the President & CEO, Jackie provides leadership to promote the fulfillment of SBF’s vision, mission, and strategic plan and serves as a spokesperson for SBF, building relationships with nonprofit , business, and public sector leaders, donors and the community.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Jackie served as the President & CEO of the Parks & People Foundation in Maryland for over two decades during which time the organization became a national leader in urban parks and recreation, ecosystem research and education, watershed restoration, job training and workforce development, and innovative programming for youth. She has served as a consultant to nonprofits on fundraising, governance and management. Jackie received her BBA in Finance from Loyola University in Maryland.