Coming Together, Not Apart

How Philanthropy Supports Connection in a Time of Dangerous Difference - Part 1

Coming Together, Not Apart: Part 1

Coming Together, Not Apart: How Philanthropy Supports Connection in a Time of Dangerous Division is the first of three Council on Foundations publications exploring philanthropy's involvement in developing the heartset, mindset, and skillset to lead collaboratively across differences. It dives deep into where philanthropy stands today on investing in and applying practices to navigate divides, how the sector talks about that work, and the opportunities, risks, and challenges are inherent to funding work that aims to bridge divides and reduce toxic polarization.

Full of insights, observations, and opinions from the field, the first Coming Together, Not Apart publication a readable synthesis of a survey foundations, in-depth interviews with sector leaders, findings from previous studies on the topic, and analysis of varied datasets relevant to philanthropy.

For a list of references used in this report, consult the references page.

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Kristen Scott Kennedy

Vice President, Strategy and Organizational Effectiveness and Chief of Staff

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