Building on our 75-year history, the Council supports over 900 member organizations, those large and small, urban and rural, community- and global-focused, in all 50 states and around the world. 

The Council and our members work to create a policy environment in which philanthropy can grow and thrive, and to promote policies that allow the philanthropic sector and our community partners to advance the greater good.

Preserve a philanthropic ecosystem that strengthens civil society and supports communities where everyone thrives.

Spanning the ideological spectrum, the philanthropic sector both represents and supports communities across the country and around the world. Politicized attacks chill the ability and willingness of the sector to express that independence, damaging foundations’ capacity to advance the greater good. The Council urges Congress to protect the diversity, flexibility, and unique role of philanthropy as a bedrock of America society.

Strengthen incentives to encourage more individuals, families, and organizations to make charitable contributions to support the causes and communities they care about. 

Throughout history, Americans’ generosity has shined as an example for the rest of the world. Philanthropic contributions support our communities in ways that mirror our values, playing a key role in promoting civic engagement. The Council urges Congress to foster a policy environment that supports and grows charitable giving by incentivizing taxpayers to give to the organizations and causes important to them.   

Take Action! Encourage your Senators and Representatives to co-sponsor the Charitable Act.

Maintain the federal government’s appropriate oversight of the sector.

For the public to maintain trust in the philanthropic and charitable sector, it is important that bad actors are quickly identified and rooted out. The federal government has a critical role in ensuring that charitable organizations are complying with relevant laws and regulations, as well as using their charitable funds to advance their charitable purposes.

Improve global grantmaking through streamlined, modernized regulations that make cross-border charitable giving easier and more efficient.

As the world becomes increasingly globalized, many grantmakers are looking to serve a broader community through their philanthropy. The Council urges Congress and regulators to support policies that make international philanthropy more efficient, effective, and sustainable, especially as foundations aim to support more organizations that are locally-led—while ensuring regulations and compliance rules do not create undue burden for with non-U.S. partners.

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