2014 Fall Call for Ideas Schedule
What are the next steps following submission of the Call for ideas?
The conference programming team made up of Advisory Group members and Council staff will review all proposals and select those that best align with the vision and goals of the conference. Once proposals are chosen, the team will work directly with recommended speakers or notify session submitters to develop conference sessions. During the notification process, the programming team may also recommend speakers or other features for a specific session submitted through the call.
Call for Ideas Timeline
Proposals must be made via the online submission tool. You should receive an automatic notification that your submission has been received. Please contact Jessica Pearce (jessica.pearce@cof.org or 703-879-0752) regarding any questions or if you are unable to use this tool or experience any errors when submitting your idea.
June 5 — Call for Ideas opens.
June 30 — Call for Ideas closes. Deadline to submit all ideas.
July 1 – Aug 14 — Programming team will review all submissions, and identify which content best align with the overall goals and vision of the conference.
August 15 — Session submitters will be notified of the status of their submission.
August 22 — Deadline for session submitters to submit any final edits to session title, description, or speaker changes.
October 20-22 — Session submitters oversee presentation of session at the Fall Conference.
Due to the number of submissions anticipated, it will not be possible for all proposals to be accepted. Please know that the Council and the Conference Advisory Group recognize and greatly appreciate the time, thought, and energy that go into the preparation of all proposals.