SCG’s 2015 Annual Conference: Closing the Opportunity Gap
How Philanthropy Can Make the Difference
In communities across the country, heartbreaking events like those in Ferguson, Baltimore, and beyond reflect complex and interrelated social disparities. Income inequality, a lack of affordable housing, and the criminal justice crisis, among other issues, all contribute to a lack of opportunity in disadvantaged communities. The opportunity gap cuts across multiple racial and ethnic lines—and our own diverse Southern California region is far from immune to its profound effects.
Now, in the face of these challenges, the philanthropic sector has a real opportunity to be a game-changer. That’s why SCG’s 2015 Annual Conference will focus on the theme, “Closing the Opportunity Gap.” Join us to explore how lasting impact on these issues can emerge from cross-sector collaboration, innovative funding practices, advocacy for systems change, and many other bold and proven strategies.
SCG’s membership has experienced tremendous growth in the past year, and the conference will bring together our diverse philanthropic community to learn, connect, and take action. We’ll also have plenty of opportunities for networking, including a special gathering for corporate funders. Ultimately, this conference is designed to inspire new conversations about what grantmakers of all stripes can do to give Southern California communities a renewed chance to thrive.
Please join us on Wednesday, October 28th for a day full of insight, information, and inspiration with local and national leaders, as well as 500 of your grantmaking peers.
Please contact Tuly Martinez, Senior Program Manager, at or (213) 680-8730 for additional information.