
The IRA Rollover is Permanent - What that Means for Your Community Foundation

The Council policy and legal staff answered FAQs and other questions about the IRA Charitable Rollover.

Date & Time

ET to




Members Only

This webinar is free for Council members.



Since the passage of the PATH Act on December 18, 2015, the Council has received a number of good questions about year-end giving. In response, we updated our IRA Rollover toolkit to help you communicate the importance of this change to your donors and stakeholders.

During this webinar, the Council policy and legal staff answered FAQs and other questions about the IRA Charitable Rollover.

Speakers include:

Sue Santa
Senior Vice President for Policy & Legal Affairs
Council on Foundations

Suzanne Friday
Senior Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs
Council on Foundations

*Council events are not opportunities for solicitation of any kind, including asking for business, fund management, or grants. All types of solicitation are strictly prohibited. For more information, read our no solicitation policy.