2016 Annual Conference - Sustainability


Threats to our natural resource and energy systems undermine the potential for success of our philanthropic work. The Council on Foundations is taking measures to increase sustainable practices throughout the conference and demonstrate our commitment to change, including:

  • Conference Program – The Council is reducing the amount of paper used at the conference - thus no inserts - and use of other materials, thus no bag. The program is printed with soy inks on 100% recycled content, 100% post-consumer waste, processed chlorine free. Printed locally to reduce emissions due to shipping, we encourage attendees to recycle the daily newsletters and conference programs in marked recycle bins. For each newsletter and program printed, the Council will be planting a tree through the Arbor Day Foundation.
  • Badges - In an effort to recycle materials, before you leave, please leave your badge holder and lanyard in a recycle bin near Registration so that it may be repurposed for another event.
  • Conference Location - Washington DC has set an ambitious goal to become the healthiest, greenest, and most livable city in the country by 2032. Through the implementation of its comprehensive sustainability plan, the District government is doing everything from banning the use of food service products made of expanded polystyrene, to replacing public lighting fixtures, to planting new trees city wide, to implementing a fisheries management plan to restore DC’s native fisheries. The City’s signature RiverSmart program helps reduce storm water runoff, which harms the District’s waterways and the Chesapeake Bay, by providing financial incentives to help property owners install green infrastructure such as rain barrels, green roofs, rain gardens, and permeable pavement, etc. By taking these efforts, the District hopes to become a model of innovative policies and practices that improve quality of life for all of its citizens.
  • Hotel – The Washington Hilton earned a Platinum SEP rating by recording a 15.85% energy reduction in three years’ time. Platinum is the DOE’s highest certification.
  • Water Conservation - Please be mindful of your personal use during your stay. We ask guests to exercise the option to keep their bed linens and bath towels for the length of their stay. Also when dining at restaurants only be served water if you plan on drinking it. We request attendees to bring their own reusable water bottles and we will provide filling stations throughout the conference.
  • Sustainable Seafood and Food Waste – Any seafood provided during the conference will be sustainable as listed on the approved list provided by Monterey Bay Seafood Watch List. The Hilton works with Profish and does not serve Tilapia, farm raised shrimp or Chilean Sea Bass. In regards to food waste, if it is a product that can be readily returned to the kitchen and no guest contact has been made then we will donate to a Local Shelter, Food & Friends. All Bio-degradable products (excluding Bones & meat) are put into a giant machine called “Orca” (currently 2 in the hotel) the Orca breaks down the waste into water which is then dispersed into our normal waste lines. The Hilton is currently reducing its dumpster pulls by approximately 30% due to using these 2 machines. All Cardboard, Glass & Plastic is recycled.
  • Carbon Offsets – The Council will have buses to provided transportation for offsite conference sessions. These buses are Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) motor coaches. The diesel exhaust fluid solution is a component of the Selective Catalytic Reduction system now present in diesel engines. This system lowers the level of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, two gases that are produced during the diesel combustion process. Dangerous emissions are reduced when the diesel exhaust fluid is sprayed into the exhaust system which then converts the unwanted emissions into nitrogen and water that doesn’t harm the environment. The Selective Catalytic Reduction System and the DEF comply with the current EPA standards for lower pollution standards. We will be encouraging those traveling by air or ground to consider purchasing carbon offsets and The Council on Foundations will be buying carbon offsets for all ground transportation provided throughout the conference through TerraPass.


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