Vikki Spruill & Sherry Magill

Vikki Spruill
Former President and CEO
Council on Foundations

Vikki Spruill is the former President and CEO of the Council on Foundations. She is the current President & CEO of the New England Aquarium.

She has a long record of advancing the philanthropic sector. In 2003, she helped create FoundationWorks, an independent organization devoted to helping foundations and others in the philanthropic sector use strategic communications to enhance their philanthropic effectiveness. She also served as the first director of the Philanthropic Awareness Initiative, a research project that worked with foundations and philanthropy organizations to improve communications and outreach strategies. She has authored a number of thought pieces, including Philanthropy in the News, Making American Foundations Relevant, and Build Brand Identity for Causes, Not Groups.

Sherry Magill
Jessie Ball duPont Fund

Sherry P. Magill is president and COO of the Jessie Ball duPont Fund, a private grantmaking foundation based in Jacksonville, FL. Prior to this post, Magill served as executive director and program officer of education at the Fund. Before joining the Fund, Magill served as vice president and deputy to the president of Washington College, where she also taught courses in American Studies and on the American South. Magill serves regularly as a senior moderator for the Aspen Institute and is the founding executive director of Aspen’s Wye Faculty Seminar. In addition to having served as chair of the State of Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission and the Florida Funders Group, she is past president of the Jacksonville Women's Network board and a past member of the Southeastern Council of Foundations and the Leadership Jacksonville boards. Magill is a founding member and immediate past chair of the Florida Philanthropic Network and is the chair of the Council on Foundations' board of directors.