GMN Delaware Valley Regional Chapter Meeting

Join us for a workshop on Successful Structures and the Foundations of the Future

8:00 - 8:30 am - Networking Breakfast

8:30 - 9:30 am - Introduction/Welcome

9:30 - 11:30 am - Successful Structures Workshop/Closing

Is it true that all foundations are unique and special snowflakes? Hm, maybe, but Grants Managers Network has been working on a project that underscores just how alike foundations can be if they are deliberate and intentional when creating their grantmaking structure.

The revelation: putting grantmaking practice closer to strategy and impact leads to better outcomes, both for funders and the nonprofits they support.

Through our work to identify Successful Structures, GMN learned that in some organizations, the practices, processes, and systems that get money out the door to support important work in communities are informed, assessed, and strengthened using timely data about grantmaking effectiveness. In these organizations, thoughtful conversations about how to make grants most effectively are everyone's business: programs, operations, finance, and executive staff work together to analyze and improve grantmaking practice.

Organization Name
Grants Managers Network
Start Date
End Date