Nominating Process for the Council's Board of Directors
The call for board nominations is the first step in the process for electing new Council board members. Over the next few months, the Council's Governance Committee will consider the nominations it receives, and in late January, members will receive the slate of nominees the committee has chosen for their consideration at the Annual Meeting of Members, which is held in conjunction with the Council's Annual Conference, April 24-28, 2015, in San Francisco.
Directors are normally elected for a three (3) year term and may serve two (2) terms. The term for the class of 2018 begins at the Annual Meeting of Members held in conjunction with the Annual Conference in San Francisco, April 24-28, 2015.
Number of Slots
The board expects to fill four positions in 2015.
Each nominee must be an officer, member of the governing board, or paid staff of a voting member of the Council.
Board Needs
In 2015, the board particularly seeks candidates with expertise in finance or investments, strategic business development including revenue modeling, and/or technology platforms around community building and membership.
Board members are expected to participate in all board meetings and attend those meetings in person. Participation by telephone or video conference is permitted in cases of illness, inclement weather, cancelled flights, or great distance (outside the 48 contiguous United States). The board currently meets four (4) times per year at varying locations. During the 2015 board cycle, the board is expected to meet on April 29, 2015, following the Annual Conference in San Francisco; June 17-18, 2015 (location to be determined); September 15-16, 2015 (location to be determined); and December 8-9, 2015 (location to be determined). Board members are expected to serve on at least one (1) committee. Committees typically meet at least three (3) times per year, and one (1) meeting must be in person. For a more detailed description of expectations in terms of workload and costs associated with participating in board function, please see the board job description.
Submission of Nominees
To nominate a candidate for consideration, please submit, at minimum, the nominee's name and foundation (or corporate giving program) affiliations, and a short statement indicating why this individual should be considered for the Council's board. Submitting additional information strengthens the nomination. Additional information may include:
- The nominee's résumé and/or professional bio
- A more complete statement of nomination, indicating specific skills, knowledge, qualities and insights this person would bring to the board (with emphasis on the traits sought by the Governance Committee) and a statement why you think this person would serve the Council well as a director
- Highlights of the candidate's contributions and leadership experience in the field of philanthropy, including service on Council committees or involvement in regional associations of grantmakers, affinity groups or other infrastructure groups
- Self-nominations are welcome
Nominations must be submitted by November 17, 2014 in one of the following ways:
- E-mail:
- Regular Mail: Board Nominations, c/o Suzanne S. Friday, Esq., Council on Foundations, 2121 Crystal Drive, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22202
Current Leadership
A list of current board members by class and term is available here.