Evelyn Lynn

Evelyn Lynn

Highlander Research and Education Center

Special Projects Organizer

Originally from low-income folks in small town Western North Carolina, Evelyn Lynn has 20+ years in grassroots organizing and campaigns, primarily in the American South, Appalachia, and rural communities.  After Hurricane Katrina, Evelyn helped found Safe Streets/Strong Communities, a Louisiana-based community organization led by formerly incarcerated people and families impacted by law enforcement violence. In Georgia, she co-founded the Racial Justice Action Center, an organization created to support transformative organizing initiatives led by formerly incarcerated women and Black transgender communities targeted by the criminal legal system. More recently, Evelyn founded and directed Southern Crossroads, an organization incubating transformative organizing projects of low-income people in the rural South. Evelyn currently serves as the Special Projects Organizer for the Highlander Research and Education Center campaigning to reclaim Highlander’s original home - seized by the state in 1961- and cultivating organizers across the South through the coordination of the Greensboro Justice Fund Fellowship.